
New BLOOCK Partner: Siverus

August 1, 2023

In a significant step towards the convergence of occupational safety and blockchain technology, BLOOCK and our partners at Siverus are thrilled to announce a collaboration agreement to revolutionize data management and worker protection in risky situations. Both companies have decided to join forces to explore future use cases and further strengthen their services. The synergy between Siverus and Bloock promises to take occupational safety to an entirely new level.

About Siverus

Siverus, with its innovative Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring system, has been distinguished for its focus on minimizing risky situations and ensuring the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in work environments. The company has patented a unique system that collects usage data directly from the PPE, enabling real-time reporting, restricting access to hazardous areas, and ensuring worker safety.

Collaboration Agreement with Siverus

One of the most compelling aspects of this collaboration agreement is the idea of certifying all the data and information managed by Siverus using blockchain technology provided by Bloock. By certifying the data, it will be granted unquestionable legal validity in the event of accidents or emergencies, which could be crucial for subsequent investigations and claims. This is because the blockchain ensures that data cannot be retroactively modified or altered, providing an additional layer of security and trust to the information collected by Siverus.

In addition to data certification and cybersecurity, this agreement will also allow both companies to explore additional possible use cases for their technologies. The synergy created by this alliance opens the door to future innovations that could positively impact occupational safety and data management worldwide.

For us, collaborating with Siverus represents an exciting step forward in the convergence of occupational safety and blockchain technology. Data certification for unquestionable legal validity and the implementation of an extra layer of cybersecurity mark the beginning of a collaboration that promises to enhance worker safety and protection worldwide. With a shared vision of a safer future, we believe that both companies will begin to make a difference in our respective fields and pave the way for new innovative solutions in the realm of occupational safety and data management.

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